5.0 out of 5 starsDon't read if you're devout!
April 1, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
This is a hilarious satire of Mormonism and the very odd belief system.
As an ex-wife mormon, I thoroughly enjoyed the humor and hypocrisy found
in the little town of Deseret Wells. Good job!
Four Corners, One Square by Michael S. Robinson, Sr.
Back Cover Text:
While the stark peculiarities and unorthodoxies of early Mormonism are at the core of this story—particularly the sense of entitlement that comes from the belief that its members are fledgling gods—it is a powerful look into the dauntless people who both shaped the religion’s history and tackled the job of settling and farming the rugged Colorado Plateau. Chronicling the lives of two divergent groups of Mormons, it paints a colorful picture of the hardships and successes of both—the ones who turned around after Joseph Smith’s death and went back to their old lives in the East, and those who struggled onward to forge new opportunities in the West.